


最高学历毕业院校及专业:兰州大学 生物化学与分子生物学







职称 副教授 最高学历毕业院校及专业 兰州大学 生物化学与分子生物学
所属学科 药理学 电子邮箱 wangxq5166@sina.com
研究方向 肿瘤药理。近10年来在地方药/民族药活性成分筛选网络药理学模型方面掌握核心技术,在抗肿瘤药物的筛选及植物药中活性成分的化学/生物富集提取领域方面取得成果。 发表论文 1.The combined analgesic, sedative, and anti-gastric cancer mechanisms of Tinospora sagittata var. yunnanensis (S. Y. Hu) H. S. Lo based on integrated ethnopharmacological data.  J Ethnopharmcol, 2022, 303, 115990<br>
2.The critical role of glutathione redox homeostasis towards oxidation in ermanin-induced melanogenesis, Free Radical Bio Med, 2021, 176:392-405<br>
3.Development of a Multi-Target Strategy for the Treatment of Vitiligo via Machine Learning and Network Analysis Methods. Front  Pharmacol  2021,12:754175<br>
4.Active ingredients targeting Nrf2 in the Mongolian medicine Qiwei Putao powder: Systematic pharmacological prediction and validation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment. J Ethnopharmcol, 2021, 265, 113385<br>
5.The Alexipharmic Mechanisms of Five Licorice Ingredients Involved in CYP450 and Nrf2 Pathways in Paraquat-Induced Mice Acute Lung Injury. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2019, 7283104.<br>
6.Network pharmacological mechanisms of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) in the treatment of vitiligo: Isorhamnetin induction of melanogenesis via up-regulation of melanin-biosynthetic genes. BMC Syst biol, 2017,11:103.<br>
7.Involvement of the Nrf2 Pathway in the Regulation of Pterostilbene-Induced Apoptosis in HeLa Cells via ER Stress. J Pharmacol Sci, 2014,126:216-229.<br>
8.A549 cell proliferation inhibited by RNAi mediated silencing of the Nrf2 gene. Bio-med Mater Eng, 2014, 24: 3905-3916.<br>
9.Aluminum uptake and disease resistance in Nicotiana rustica leaves. Ecotox Environ Safe, 2010, 73:655-663.<br>
教学科研成果 1.主持一流课程<br>
(3)2021 年获首届全国高校教师教学创新大赛新疆赛区优秀基层教学组织奖<br>
(9)2019 年获教育部药学类专业青年教师教学论文大赛一等奖<br>
(15)2021 年主持《执业药师培训》获医药学研究生在线教育平台认证<br>
(1)2019 年指导员工参加第十二届全国老员工药苑论坛获创新成果二等奖<br>
(2)2019 年指导员工参加省 “ 互联网+” 老员工创新创业大赛获二等奖<br>
(3)2019 年指导员工参加省 “ 互联网+” 老员工创新创业大赛获最具人气奖<br>






1.The combined analgesic, sedative, and anti-gastric cancer mechanisms of Tinospora sagittata var. yunnanensis (S. Y. Hu) H. S. Lo based on integrated ethnopharmacological data. J Ethnopharmcol, 2022, 303, 115990
2.The critical role of glutathione redox homeostasis towards oxidation in ermanin-induced melanogenesis, Free Radical Bio Med, 2021, 176:392-405
3.Development of a Multi-Target Strategy for the Treatment of Vitiligo via Machine Learning and Network Analysis Methods. Front Pharmacol 2021,12:754175
4.Active ingredients targeting Nrf2 in the Mongolian medicine Qiwei Putao powder: Systematic pharmacological prediction and validation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment. J Ethnopharmcol, 2021, 265, 113385
5.The Alexipharmic Mechanisms of Five Licorice Ingredients Involved in CYP450 and Nrf2 Pathways in Paraquat-Induced Mice Acute Lung Injury. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2019, 7283104.
6.Network pharmacological mechanisms of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) in the treatment of vitiligo: Isorhamnetin induction of melanogenesis via up-regulation of melanin-biosynthetic genes. BMC Syst biol, 2017,11:103.
7.Involvement of the Nrf2 Pathway in the Regulation of Pterostilbene-Induced Apoptosis in HeLa Cells via ER Stress. J Pharmacol Sci, 2014,126:216-229.
8.A549 cell proliferation inhibited by RNAi mediated silencing of the Nrf2 gene. Bio-med Mater Eng, 2014, 24: 3905-3916.
9.Aluminum uptake and disease resistance in Nicotiana rustica leaves. Ecotox Environ Safe, 2010, 73:655-663.

(3)2021 年获首届全国高校教师教学创新大赛新疆赛区优秀基层教学组织奖
(9)2019 年获教育部药学类专业青年教师教学论文大赛一等奖
(15)2021 年主持《执业药师培训》获医药学研究生在线教育平台认证
(1)2019 年指导员工参加第十二届全国老员工药苑论坛获创新成果二等奖
(2)2019 年指导员工参加省 “ 互联网+” 老员工创新创业大赛获二等奖
(3)2019 年指导员工参加省 “ 互联网+” 老员工创新创业大赛获最具人气奖